Dental AI to Increase Conversion by 391%

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  • We train each AI agent uniquely for your dental practice
  • Our AI understands human language and responds like a human agent would
  • Our AI knows every patient, remembers every interaction, connects with everyone and never misses a lead
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We are changing the game

Understanding the Power of AI

100% of new Leads engaged within 5 mins

=100X higher chance of contact

  • Responding within 5 minutes increases the chances of making contact with a lead by 100 times
  • On average a dental office loses 80% of their leads by connecting 5hrs after the lead is generated, 47% of dental offices take over 24 hours to respond to web-generated leads, and 23% never respond at all
  • Our AI engages within 5 minutes of the lead being generated, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week increasing the leads to appointment ratio like nothing you have ever seen before

100% of your patients activated

= Average 19X return

  • The average lead must be contacted 7 to 12 times before an agent can get a hold of them
  • Multiply this for the whole database and you can see how much time your staff would need to invest
  • Our AI will follow-up and connect with all of your patients
  • Our AI remembers every interaction with every person
  • Our AI get’s those lost leads back onto your schedule

Unlimited volume

= No SMS, Call or hosting cost

  • Our AI works on performance 
  • Unlimited number of leads
  • Unlimited number of messages and calls
  • You only pay per qualified inbound call
  • Active 24/7, never gets tired, never complains, never takes time off


This is how we engage with 100% of your leads

We train our AI Specifcally for You by Dental Game Plan

We train our AI Specifcally for You

We train an AI agent specifically for you, to answer like your front desk would. We use any scripts you might have, all the information on your website and any other information available.

Connect within five minutes and schedule by Dental Game Plan

Connect within five minutes and schedule

Slow response times harm profits:

  • Responding within 5 minutes increases the chances of making contact with you lead by 100X
  • On average a dental office taking 24hrs to respond, loses 80% of the value
  • 47% of offices take over 24 hours to respond to web-generated leads, and 23% never respond at all
  • Our AI engages within 5 minutes of the lead being generated, 24/7
Get 100% of your database engaged and in the office by Dental Game Plan

Get 100% of your database engaged and in the office

We load your entire patients database and have it re-engage with your front desk to schedule an appointment. The average lead must be contacted 7 to 12 times before an agent can get a hold of them. Multiply this for the whole database and you can see how much time your staff would need to invest.

Celebrate the win by Dental Game Plan

Celebrate the win

We handle all the processes, and connect with your leads however many times needed in order to get them engaged enough to initiate an inbound call to your office.

Supercharge your practice

We apply advanced technology to your office

Why use SMS messaging instead of Email?  

  • Email open rates are only 20%, while SMS open rates are 98%
  • Email response rates are only 1-4%, while SMS response rates are 45%
  • The average email response time is 90 minutes, while the average SMS response time is 90 seconds — and most are answered within five seconds

What kind of ROI can I expect?

  • 78% of potential patients give their business to the first dental office that contacts them
  • 100X more likely to MAKE CONTACT with a lead if they're responded to within 5 minutes instead of 30 mins
  • 21X more likely to CONVERT the lead if they're contacted within 5 minutes instead of 1 hr

Test Our AI By Talking With [HER]

You’ll be interacting with our AI, and learning about the capabilities it has to interact with prospects and turn them into booked appointments on your schedule.

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Our AI Does it all

Messaging, followups and Phone calls

We have seen a 70% increase in inbund calls with our model. Read the article to learn more…

We create a Dental AI agent specifically for you that will takes care of the mundane tasks associated with following up with leads, allowing your front desk team to focus their attention on handling inbound calls for interested patients. This is “communication the way people do it today” through text message. No “Spam Likely”, no voicemails, only messages that will undoubtedly be seen.

Your front desk team spends half of their time leaving voicemails and emailing multiple times and even still loses about 80% of the potential connections. Our Dental AI Agent frees up time, allowing your team to focus on higher priorities. No lead will age or fall between the cracks. Our Dental AI Agent follows up consistently until the patient expresses an interest or disinterest. Inevitably, a higher close rate follows.

Answers to Common Questions


No, because we go through full compliance with all of the major phone carriers the calls & messages will not show up as "spam Likely".

They are free, you won't pay for SMS. An active dental office spends between $400 to $1000 per month in SMS depending on the database size. Not only will your marketing become far more effective, but all of the related costs are included with the service!

As much as you want. We'll train our Natural Language Program (NLP) to talk and communicate just like your team would. It will learn your scripts, your tone of voice, your specialties and the best way to handle any questions your (new or existing) patient might have. It all really depends on you! We'll help you to choose the best approach to facilitate the conversion.

As many as you need. There's no limit on the number of interactions. Our Dental AI is able to understand behavior and interact with your patient or lead the best possible way without being too invasive or pushy.

Because our Dental AI is custom built for your business and not an out of the box “one size fits all” type of solution, it takes a little time to get setup. Typically it takes around 2-3 weeks for our team to get all of the information about your business and train our Dental AI on it for you, plus an additional week to get it fully deployed.

It usually takes 7-12 interactions to convert a lead into an appointment, but some leads could go up to 60 to 70. It just depends. Our Dental AI agent will take care of every interaction and every followup scenario.

Our Model is simple: We have a very small monthly fee to use the platform and any additional is based on performance relative to your needs and requirements. Let’s put it like this; It will be the most economical and at the same time most profitable program you'll ever participate in.

We partner with the best:

Business working with us
Business working with us
Business working with us
Business working with us
Business working with us

The #1 Marketing, Business and Technology company in dental

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